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01 Done-For-You HoneyBook Setup

Customized Service Setup (Up to 3 Services): Tailored to your unique offerings, we configure HoneyBook to impeccably showcase up to three of your services.
Process Mapping: We map out your client journey, identifying touchpoints where HoneyBook can seamlessly enhance communication and efficiency. No detail is too small as we align HoneyBook with your workflow for maximum impact.
Canned Email Template Setup: Say goodbye to repetitive email composition. We craft and integrate pre-designed email templates, ensuring consistent and professional communication with your clients.
HoneyBook Automation Setup: From initial inquiries to project completion, we set up tailored automation workflows that nurture leads, remind clients of important milestones, and keep everyone in the loop without manual intervention.
Smart Files Setup: Centralize all project-related documents in one place. We configure your HoneyBook account to facilitate easy file sharing, version control, and collaborative document management. All Smart Files will resonate with your brand's essence, enhancing client engagement from the get-go.
Scheduler Setup: Say farewell to the back-and-forth scheduling hassle. We configure your scheduling tool to allow clients to book consultations and meetings based on your availability effortlessly.
Customized Intake Form(s): Gather all necessary project information with customized intake forms up front. We design and implement forms that ensure you have the insights needed to hit the ground running.
2 Rounds of Revisions*: Your satisfaction matters. We offer two rounds of revisions to fine-tune the setup according to your preferences, ensuring a solution that aligns perfectly with your business needs.
21-Day Follow-up Support: We're not just here for the setup. Our team stands by you for 21 days after implementation, providing support, clarifications, and troubleshooting to ensure your transition is smooth.

PACKAGE PRICE: starting at $1,875

Note. Additional revisions are available upon request and will be subject to Pace By Design's hourly rate. Our HoneyBook packages are exclusively designed for users of HoneyBook, a client management and project management tool, and is tailored specifically for interior designers. It does not include the HoneyBook subscription itself.